What Is Moments-Based Marketing?
Mobile devices have redefined our expectations. Today we get what we want, whenever and wherever we want it by turning to our smartphones. No longer a linear funnel, the customer journey has fractured into numerous touchpoints where decisions are made and preferences formed – in real-time. These interactions, typically on a mobile device, are called “moments.”
In an Airship Webinar, guest speaker Forrester Research Principal Analyst Rusty Warner described how brands are responding to this sea change with a new approach: moments-based marketing. But what is moments-based marketing? We highlight four key features below.
Read on to learn more or watch our webinar, “Customer Journeys in the Mobile Era: Is Your Martech Stack Up to the Task?” for additional insights.
It’s All About the (Customer) Journey
Until recently, consumers had relatively few options for engaging with brands. Spoiler alert: The world has changed!
Today’s customer journeys are complex. We use our devices for research, price comparisons and to make purchases while in transit, in line and even in bed. We engage brands 24-7 on social media and mobile apps. We use live chat to get answers about products and services.
The upside of winning with consumers in these intent-rich moments is clear. But brands need to fully understand the customer journey in order to deliver hyper-personalized experiences that build loyalty and revenue.
It’s Personalized and Contextual
As consumers, we expect a consistent, personalized customer experience (CX) — especially when we’re trying to answer a question or make a decision. In fact, 77% of consumers have chosen, recommended or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or experience.
In the webinar, Rusty highlights Sephora’s best practices leveraging a variety of physical and digital retail touchpoints to deliver great CX. Their in-store kiosks deliver an engaging in-store experience while also capturing customer data. Sephora then uses those insights to deliver a personalized, contextual experience on their mobile app and website.
When done well, this moments-based approach doesn’t look like marketing. It simply looks like a really great, seamless CX.
It Requires Unprecedented Customer Intelligence
In the mobile environment, predicting when, where and how to engage requires unprecedented data, real-time analytics and predictive capabilities. Moments-based marketers must glean insights across platforms to understand behavior at every point in the customer journey.
On the upside, our devices generate a lot of data. But harnessing it and applying customer insights in real-time is a new challenge. Brands that can pull data together in a way that enables understanding of the full customer experience are best positioned for success.
It’s Powered by Next Gen Marketing Technology
Moments-based marketing is impossible without modern marketing technology (martech). To orchestrate efforts across platforms, brands need solutions that simplify the way cross-channel customer journeys are created, measured and optimized.
In the webinar, Rusty describes the critical next-generation martech capabilities necessary to bring moments-based marketing to life. They span all aspects of the martech stack, including customer understanding, brand strategy and brand experience.
Get the scoop on those essential martech capabilities by watching the webinar. You can also learn about Airship’s next-generation customer journey solution, Airship Journeys, by signing up for a demo today.
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