hagebau connect Sees 10x Higher Engagement Rates
DIY home improvement is one of the largest consumer markets in Germany, second only to the food and beverage industry. And its consumers tend to be brand loyalists. For hagebau connect, that’s why it’s so important to engage and retain customers. To support the digitalization of close to 400 stores, the company launched a mobile app, providing customers a convenient way to browse and buy products, build their shopping lists and get tips from industry experts 24/7.
hagebau connect’s app users are the brand’s most engaged customers — adding products to their shopping lists and scanning their loyalty cards through mobile wallet in stores. The DIY company uses Airship to increase cross-channel activities and retain its loyal user base through strategically targeted messages powered by sophisticated segmentation and performance analytics.

hagebau connect is a leading digital commerce company in the German DIY sector, offering customers one of the best cross-channel shopping experiences in the market.
Airship helps hagebau connect build brand loyalty while increasing cross-channel activities. Targeted Push Notifications have generated 9x more loyalty signups and 10x greater engagement.
Push Notifications, In-App Messaging, Automation, Personalization, Optimization, Performance Analytics
When you think about the possibilities, you can do basically anything you can imagine with just a minimal amount of development effort. That’s what I really like about Airship.”
Building Loyalty Right From the Start
- Guiding Users Through Lifecycle Milestoneshagebau connect used Airship Automation to seamlessly onboard new users through a series of scheduled messages that highlight the benefits of using the app and guide them through the loyalty sign-up process.
- Generating Greater Engagement with Advanced SegmentationTargeted messages based on in-app activity generated up to 10x more engagement than broadcast Push Notifications sent to all users.
- Leveraging Insights for Successful RetargetingPerformance Analytics gave the company a glimpse into the most popular tags added in the past seven days, empowering more effective retargeting.
