The Power of Mobile Wallet Marketing: Coupons
Mobile wallet has the ability to transform the physical billfold to a fully digital utility, providing businesses an easy way to reach 100% of their customers on mobile — no app required.
Need to get up to speed on the ins and outs of mobile wallet? Check out our Mobile Wallet Explained guide.
While there’s been a lot of focus on the payment functionality of mobile wallet, it’s the non-payment wallet pass options that have yet to be fully explored by mobile marketers.
Survey Says: Your Customers Want Coupons In Mobile Wallet
Our recent survey of US and UK consumers found that more than half of all respondents want to use mobile wallet for non-payment passes like loyalty cards, order delivery updates, mobile payment, boarding passes, ID cards, event tickets, reminders — and coupons.
In fact, mobile wallet is one of the top four ways consumers want to be kept informed of coupons and sales offers. It’s the third choice for both millennials and Gen Xers after email and websites — and we anticipate that its popularity will continue to increase.
image via Urban Airship's The State of Mobile Wallet Marketing Report
Even better, consumers are far less likely to delete wallet passes from their devices than they are apps. We’ve found up to 85% of installed passes are not deleted from devices. In fact, our report revealed that 77% of consumers surveyed are interested in having expired coupons automatically update to new offers on their phones.
4 Reasons to Start Offering Coupons Through Mobile Wallet Today
1. No Clipping or Printing Required
Paper coupons can be a hassle for customers. Our survey showed that 41% of respondents “always” or “often” forget to bring paper coupons with them while shopping.
By adding a coupon to a customer’s mobile wallet, you ensure it’s always available — no printing required. If you’re currently sending weekly coupons, mobile wallet can streamline the process for both you and your customer.
Many mobile marketers don’t realize just how easy it is to offer coupons through mobile wallet. But with Urban Airship’s Reach (try it for free today) you can set up a mobile ad campaign and have viewers download your coupon offer directly onto their smartphones in a snap.
2. Offer a More Personalized Experience
Personalization drives even greater adoption of mobile wallet passes, including coupons. 62% of respondents overall, and 78% of millennials say they’re likely to download a wallet pass if it’s personalized.
image via Urban Airship's The State of Mobile Wallet Marketing Report
There are a multitude of ways to personalize coupons in mobile wallet. One simple example is to offer a discount on a future purchase of the same or similar item a customer has already purchased from you.
3. Maximize Coupon Redemption By Reaching Customers in the Right Place at the Right Time
By leveraging location awareness, you can remind customers to use their mobile wallet discounts when they’re close to a store. In fact, our survey indicates that 63% of respondents are likely to go into a store if they receive expiration reminders when they're near a retail location.
And when coupon holders receive “last chance” expiration reminders, which can be delivered to their lockscreens from a wallet pass, our survey shows that 64% of them are more likely to use the coupon. For U.S.-based Millennials in the U.S., that number is significantly higher, at 81%.
image via Urban Airship's The State of Mobile Wallet Marketing Report
4. Keep Your Offers Fresh
With mobile wallet passes, you can update your coupons as often as you’d like — there’s no need for consumers to delete old passes and download something new. Notify users of a new offer with a change notification, or remind them in another communication channel like email, in-app messaging or text messaging to check the pass every week for the latest offer.
Bottom Line
A pass in a mobile wallet essentially becomes an ongoing communication channel with your customer. This creates a huge opportunity for businesses to reconnect or maintain ongoing communication and engagement with customers.
Urban Airship Reach is the mobile wallet marketing solution that makes it easy for marketers to personally communicate with customers on mobile, launching large-scale, dynamic wallet campaigns without writing any code.
Want to Learn More?
Get up to speed: Visit our Mobile Wallet Explained page
Get the scoop: Watch our on-demand webinar What Consumers Really Want from Mobile Wallet
Get the stats: Get our survey report The State of Mobile Wallet Marketing
Get inspired: Download our Mobile Wallet Inspiration Guide
Get started: Start using Urban Airship Reach for free today!
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