Web Notifications Resource Roundup: Information, Ideas and Integrations
In addition to being a great way to engage website visitors, did you know that web push notifications can boost response rates by 10x?
We’ve pulled together some of our top resources on web notifications to help you better understand what they are, what they can help you accomplish and how to add them into your marketing mix (you can get started today for free). Have questions or something you’d like to see? Feel free to contact us.
1) Use Web Notifications to Connect with Your Customers
Your website drives a high volume of visitors — and it’s probably one of the first touchpoints a consumer will have with your brand. We share three kinds of use cases for web notifications — transactional, educational and promotional — that help you connect with your customers, and provide examples of each type.
2) 11 Reasons to Start Using Web Notifications Today
There are many advantages of adding web notifications into your marketing mix. Here’s just one: if someone is online and they’ve opted in to receive browser push notifications from you, you can reach them. We share 10 other compelling reasons to start using web notifications today.
3) Top 10 FAQs About Web Notifications
Answers to some of the top questions digital marketers are asking about leveraging web push notifications. Our post shares information about setting up web notifications, the differences between a web notification and an app push notification, the opt in process and more.
4) Send Your Own Web Notification In 6 Steps
Ready to try your own? Here’s an easy 6 step tutorial for sending your very own web push notification.
5) Web Notification Use Cases and Examples You Can Use
Our Web Notification Inspiration Guide shares an assortment of use case examples in a variety of industries to give brands ideas they can steal and implement into their own digital strategy. Check out the guide for 15+ examples and details on use cases they support as well as what you get out of the box.

6) How to Add Web Notifications to Your WordPress or Drupal Site
If your website is hosted via WordPress or Drupal, great news — our new integrations allow you to implement web notifications on your WordPress or Drupal site more quickly and easily. We also provide out-of-the-box custom opt in options with both integrations. See how to get set up on each platform in just a few steps.
7) Seeing is Believing: Examples of Brands Using Web Notifications
The proof is in the pudding: don’t miss stories of real brands using web notifications. See how the New Zealand Herald uses web notifications, their strategy and how they boost audience engagement. And, learn how another media company uses web notifications to increase page views and drive ad revenue.
8) 50+ Push Notification Ideas You Can Use
Looking for more messaging ideas? One of our most popular posts shares 50+ push notification ideas that can easily be adapted for web notifications.
9) Documentation
Ready to implement? If you’re not using our Drupal or WordPress plugin, you may need a quick hand from your web team. We’ve made it easy for them to see what needs to be done: here’s a detailed walk through for getting set up.
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