Using In-App Messaging to Engage Mobile Users
What is In-App Messaging?
In-app messages are simple, text-based notifications that appear inside your app via a banner on the top or bottom of a user’s screen. They are displayed for a set duration or until the user interacts with the message. In-app messages can also contain up to two action buttons allowing you to suggest a path based on a user’s interests.
Because these messages are delivered in your app, there isn’t an opt-in process, allowing you to reach the majority of your app audience. For this reason, they are a great complement to push notifications. We recommend using in-app messaging for new feature updates, reminding users to complete tasks and other service-related benefits.
Seven Ways to Drive Engagement With In-App Messaging
1. Make a Great First Impression With a Welcome Message
Create a welcome message for new users that pops up with a link and directions for navigating the app. The instructions could be a notice to register, sign in or browse a feature of the app.
2. Get the Scoop on User Preferences
Share an in-app message that includes a link to a preference center where users can provide feedback on what they’d like to be notified of, or just directly ask them with clear-cut questions.
3. Encourage Purchase
Send an in-app message with incentives to buy through a coupon or special offer.
4. Showcase a New Feature
Send an in-app message that encourages users to try out a new feature of your app.
5. Send Reminders and Updates
Use in-app messages to remind users to take an action. For example, remind them of their abandoned shopping cart and suggest they continue shopping. Or ask them if they would like to track the shipment of their purchase by opting in for push notifications.
6. Request an App Review
Send a message to users after a recent transaction asking them to rate or review your app.
7. Get User Feedback
Send an in-app message asking users to complete a quick survey to gather their feedback and ensure they are getting what they need from your app.
Want to Get Started With In-App Messaging?
Check out our In-App Messages Inspiration Guide, or get started today with Engage Starter Edition for free.
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