Five (Costly) Mistakes to Avoid In Your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Emily Buckman Global Strategic Consultant
Consumer appetite for doing more with mobile continues to grow — and brands have got to catch up and keep up. Companies who feel they can do the bare minimum on mobile may wake up to find that they’ve been outmanoeuvred by their competitors. (Case in point: the great retail meltdown of 2017.)
How are your customers finding, connecting with, and making purchases from you? In an omnichannel world, understanding the answer to this question is both more complicated and more critical than it’s ever been.
Here are five mobile marketing mistakes that can slow brands down — and sometimes even derail them entirely. (Need help tackling one or more of these? Set up a consultation with us anytime.)
Mistake #1: Ignoring Where Customers Get Stuck
When it comes to completing an in-app conversion, friction is not your friend. Brands need to be hyper-focused on each of the steps customers need to take towards a conversion — and where there are breakdowns.
Collecting and analysing the right in-app metrics can help pinpoint problem areas — whether it’s a page, a registration process or other issues that impede the road to conversion — and fix them.
Mistake #2: Siloing Online & Offline Experiences
Too few brands are connecting the “real” world with the “mobile” world. And it’s not just retailers. There are opportunities for lots of brands in this area. But today, only a handful of brands use location as a trigger to connect with users. That’s starting to change. And brands that are getting ahead of the curve are going to be the winners.
Mistake #3: Not Using Data to Create More Intuitive Customer Experiences
Given all of the data in your CRM (and you have connected your mobile data to it, right?) you should be able to learn a lot about your customers’ daily routines — which can help you be there in the moments that matter most.
Siri, Alexa, Google Home and other smart home assistants and IoT devices are already taking advantage of data to do this. They can tell you when to leave the house in the morning (based on your daily commute); which items in your fridge are going out of date; and so much more.
How can your brand step into the micro-moments of people’s days and make their lives a bit easier? If you don’t think about it, you can bet your competitors will.
Mistake #4: Not Taking Advantage of User-Level Data
In-the-moment, real-time marketing using user-level analytics is an amazing opportunity for marketers. It’s also a completely new paradigm — and one many marketers are still wrapping their heads around.
Often, mobile data is still isolated from a brand’s core CRM database. Once these data sets are combined, the possibilities for using this data to connect with customers in ways they’ll value — and that drive exponential revenue — can be staggering. (And sometimes overwhelming. We can help.)
Mistake #5: Having the Wrong People on Your Mobile Team
Too often, we still see “mobile marketing” responsibilities assigned to an entry-level social media or email marketing manager. If that’s where you’re starting that’s great. But don’t let that be your endpoint. The opportunity is too big to miss. (More advice on getting the right skills on board in our post Mobile Marketing “Teams” Still a Dream for Many Brands.)
Whether you hire a consultant to run a mobile strategy session, bring a mobile-first marketing whiz on board, or engage a fantastic digital agency (or all three!) you need to find and employ the people who know how to take advantage of the mobile-first digital growth opportunity for your brand.
Conclusion: Mobile-First is No Longer Optional
All marketing efforts need to be working in tandem; digital tools must be anticipating customer needs, and mobile strategies need to be built to help brands engage, compete and grow. Avoid the mistakes we’ve discussed in this post, and you’ll be well ahead of the game.
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– Optimize mobile messaging for every stage of the app user lifecycle
– Boost your mobile conversions and campaign performance
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