Kayleigh OMalley, Author at Airship Thu, 12 Jan 2023 22:49:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.airship.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-Airship-Icon-512x512-1-32x32.png Kayleigh OMalley, Author at Airship 32 32 Measure your App Retention Efforts with these App Analytics Reports https://www.airship.com/blog/measure-your-app-retention-efforts-with-these-app-analytics-reports/ Wed, 25 Apr 2018 11:24:00 +0000 https://www.airship.com/?p=1096 Learn how you can predict users likely to churn and identify net retention by cohort with these 2 analytics reports. Part 4 of a 5 part series.

The post Measure your App Retention Efforts with these App Analytics Reports appeared first on Airship.

This five part blog series shares our favorite analytics reports and how they can help you drive better decisions at five key stages of the customer journey from acquisition, to re-engagement. Use these reports to go beyond typical metrics — like daily active users, return visits and more — to learn insights that help you take retarget users and take action in the areas that matter most to your business.

To drive growth, marketers need to foster deeper relationships with customers and grow brand engagement. And, to do so, better customer intelligence is needed to understand, predict and more quickly take action on customer journeys across any digital property or marketing channel.

But what metrics or reports do you need to see those impacts? We’ve created lots of pre-built reports in our data and analytics solution to help the world’s leading brands get more out of their reporting.

We’ve covered how to prioritize your spend and identify your best app acquisition sources, track your onboarding programs and understand your app conversion efforts.

Inevitably, some of your app users may become inactive and visit your app less frequently. This can be combated with smart re-engagement efforts to kickstart and revitalize these users. But first, it’s important to identify who these users are. In this post, we share two reports that can help you better measure your re-engagement activities.

Predictive Churn Report

Identify users likely to churn and take action before they lapse to keep them. Churn prediction is a proprietary machine learning algorithm that assigns a risk profile to each user. The machine learning model is trained to detect the most relevant risk factors for a churn outcome, and assigns either a high, medium, or low churn risk score. View this score by segment (tag) to look at specific user populations and build messaging campaigns to increase user engagement.
Key questions this report can answer:

  • Which users are most likely to churn?

  • Which segments are least likely to churn and why?

  • Are there specific segments of users that have a higher likelihood to churn than others?

Resulting Actions:

  • Zero in on user segments with a high likelihood to churn to create re-engagement campaigns tailored to their interests.

  • Understand which users are least likely to churn and run lookalike campaigns to target more users with similar characteristics

Example of our Predictive Churn Analytics Report

Easily identify and export users at high likelihood to churn and act to keep them on mobile or through other channels.

Retention Cohort Report

Beyond new users, the Retention Cohort Report can also be used for your general app population to get a clear view into how message frequency and type can impact net user retention. Take any time period and identify net retention for a cohort of users. You can also take a more preemptive action for specific users that need it most with churn risk predictions.

Key questions this report can answer:

  • What is my 30/90/365 day retention rate?

  • How does message frequency impact user retention?

Resulting Actions:

  • Increase or decrease messaging to improve net retention based on known results.

  • Benchmark net user retention and experiment with different types of messaging to increase engagement and reduce churn.

Example of Our Retention Cohort Analytics Report

Understand the impact of messaging by frequency or type over time on retention.

Interested in reports beyond that help you beyond measuring your retention efforts? Our 11 Must-Have Predictive Lifecycle Marketing Reports eBook shares additional predictive lifecycle marketing reports we recommend you start tracking to drive better decisions at key stages of the customer journey.

We’ll close out our series next week with a final few reports to help you, we’ll discuss 2 reports that can help you gauge your re-engagement efforts. Subscribe to our blog to follow along – we share a weekly digest so you don’t miss a thing.

Want to see all of the reports we’ll be covering in this series right now? Download our eBook 11 Must-Have Predictive Lifecycle Marketing Reports anytime!


The post Measure your App Retention Efforts with these App Analytics Reports appeared first on Airship.

Track Your Onboarding Efforts With These App Analytics Reports https://www.airship.com/blog/track-your-onboarding-efforts-with-these-app-analytics-reports/ Thu, 12 Apr 2018 09:12:00 +0000 https://www.airship.com/?p=1093 Use these two analytics reports to track your onboarding efforts, such as your welcome series & monitor account registration. Part 2 of a 5 part series.

The post Track Your Onboarding Efforts With These App Analytics Reports appeared first on Airship.

This five part blog series shares our favorite analytics reports and how they can help you drive better decisions at five key stages of the customer journey from acquisition, to re-engagement. Use these reports to go beyond typical metrics — like daily active users, return visits and more — to learn insights that help you take retarget users and take action in the areas that matter most to your business.

To drive growth, marketers need to foster deeper relationships with customers and grow brand engagement. And, to do so, better customer intelligence is needed to understand, predict and more quickly take action on customer journeys across any digital property or marketing channel.

But what metrics or reports do you need to see those impacts? We’ve created lots of pre-built reports in our data and analytics solution to help the world’s leading brands get more out of their reporting.

We've covered how to prioritize your spend and identify your best app acquisition efforts. So once you've acquired new users, proper user onboarding is crucial to long-term app retention.

In this post, we share two reports that can help you better your app onboarding efforts and prioritize your spend.

New User Retention Heatmap Report

Find out how effective your welcome series is in retaining and engaging customers. The New User Retention Heatmap Report gives marketers an up-close look at the impact each message has on engagement and long-term retention by tracking the impact it has over the time period that’s important to you.

Key questions this report can answer:

  • How effective is my welcome series at increasing user retention over different time periods?

  • How far apart should I space notifications/in-app messages for the highest retention?

  • What effect do notifications have on my retention rates?

Resulting Actions:

  • Experiment with adjustments to the welcome series to increase retention — adjust timing, offer (e.g. product tour) or when to ask for that critical opt-in.

  • For those engaged and retained through 90 days, identify characteristics can be used attract additional similar users.

In this report, we take a look at 4 day retention and see the impact of a 3-part welcome series has on D1 and D3. Marketers and product owners can easily pinpoint how users are interacting with their welcome series starting on 10/1 and determine if updates to their welcome flow are having the desired effect.

Activation Heatmap Report

Discover the moments in your app experience that lead to above average retention. The Activation Heatmap Report allows you to see the impact a specific event (i.e. completing a profile, achieving a goal or using a specific feature) has on user retention. Choose any captured event to model which activities drive desired outcomes, then focus on engaging those segments with targeted messaging.

Key questions this report can answer:

  • What experiences can I promote that drive higher retention?

  • What are key “activation events” for my app?

  • What do the cohort of users I retain longest have in common?

Resulting Actions:

  • Drive additional activation events using notifications or in-app messaging.

  • Take learnings and identify high-value early app activity; experiment with timing/offers to see whether other cohorts can be converted faster.

Apply filters to heatmaps and see how people who completed account registration are retained over a 4 day period.


Interested in reports beyond that help you beyond tracking and monitoring your onboarding efforts? Our 11 Must-Have Predictive Lifecycle Marketing Reports eBook shares additional predictive lifecycle marketing reports we recommend you start tracking to drive better decisions at key stages of the customer journey.

Next up in our series, we’ll discuss 3 reports that can help when it comes to conversion-related goals and efforts. Subscribe to our blog to follow along – we share a weekly digest so you don’t miss a thing.

Want to see all of the reports we'll be covering in this series right now? Download our eBook 11 Must-Have Predictive Lifecycle Marketing Reports anytime!

The post Track Your Onboarding Efforts With These App Analytics Reports appeared first on Airship.
