Don’t Miss Your Mobile Growth Opportunities
Our latest eBook, 15 Essentials for Mobile Growth, is now available for download. In the next few posts, we’ll be sharing highlights.
In the first post in our mobile growth series, What is Mobile Growth?, we sketched out a definition of mobile growth. In the second post, Getting Into the Mobile Growth Mindset, we highlighted the essentials for continuing the shift to a mobile-first perspective. In the third post, How to Set (and Reach!) Your Mobile Growth Goals, we covered key elements of a successful approach to meeting and beating your mobile growth goals. The fourth explored How to Leverage Mobile Business Intelligence to Power Mobile Growth.
In this, the fifth post in the series, we’re sharing some ways to stay on top of new mobile growth opportunities and strategies. You’ll find even more insights in our eBook 15 Essentials for Mobile Growth, which you can download any time.
Here are some ways to make sure you keep up with your own potential for exponential mobile growth:
Stay on top of new mobile opportunities and technologies.
The technology landscape is evolving faster than it ever has. In the big picture, that means lots of buzz about chatbots, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and much, much more.
How these things fit into your mobile growth strategy may not be clear today, but you should consider how they may fit into it tomorrow and beyond.
Questions to Ask:
When is the last time we tried something new or experimental?
Who on our team is responsible for staying in the know about new mobile tools and trends?
Where do we need to be to learn from mobile growth futurists and trend watchers?
Related Resources:
Think bigger—way bigger—on a regular basis.
Andrew Chen, who heads up growth at Uber, shared this insight via a recent blog post:
“I’ll talk with people about their road maps and I’ll ask them, ‘You have this great thing that’s working, but how do you 10x it?’ Maybe they’ll have some ideas, but then I’ll say, ‘Okay, now what would you do to 100x it?’ It gets to a point where you need to take really big swings to make that happen.”
Growth teams should have regularly scheduled periods of time to do “blue sky” thinking that could result in a drastically different approach to their product, their marketing, or both.
Otherwise, it’s too easy to get bogged down in fine-tuning what’s working while missing the bigger picture of what’s possible.
Questions to Ask:
Are we still stuck in an incremental growth mindset that’s preventing us from leapfrogging ahead?
Are stuck on the hamster wheel of adding features and functions — rather than fundamentally re-thinking what we can do on mobile?
Could we spark exponential mobile growth by being more willing to blur the lines between product and marketing?
Related Resources:
In the next and final blog post in this series, we’ll sum up what mobile growth success can look like for brands. Download the complete eBook at any time to get all of our ideas, insights and self-assessment questions right away.
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